Hi, Soon-To-Be Moms and Moms,
I’m Haydee, a mom just like you. And by the way, if you’re expecting, you’re already a mom. 🙂 I’m a mother of two.
As you know, there are two minutes in life that change your life for the better:
- The minute you find out you’re gonna be a mom.
- The minute your baby is born
- If you have multiple children, you have more of these positive life-changing moments.
And once we can finally hold our baby in our loving arms… we know we would do anything for them.
Step 1 is to keep them alive. For 10 months (yes, 10), our baby has been growing inside of us all the way from a teeny-tiny seed to a small plant.
Once we can see that little precious plant of ours we have to:
- nurture it,
- provide it with sunshine, meaning our positivity
- AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we have to feed it… our breastmilk.
I’m here to help you meet AND EXCEED your breastfeeding goals via this blog and my products.
I LOVE being able to be a voice for babies and convey the importance of breastmilk.
This blog and products can help me cover a few of my household expenses while I stay at home to:
- watch my own kids experience their firsts in life,
- be here when they need me,
- teach them to continue being the angels that they are,
- play with them,
- prepare them for school and for life and take lots and lots of folders to capture these sweet moments that we THINK will last forever but go by in a flash.
So I want to thank you for allowing me to be your mom friend throughout this breastfeeding journey to help you feel capable of breastfeeding and extremely proud when breastfeeding becomes second-nature to you. I also want to thank you for supporting me as I still breastfeed my youngest one from home and can buy them the fruits they love and make them home-made cookies and chia pudding.
So as per FTC Regulations, I am letting you know that I have affiliate links throughout this blog. When you click on those links and purchase a product, I receive a small comission.
You know what the best thing is? It doesn’t cost you anything extra to make a purchase through the links I have in my blog. So you order what you want…and I get a small commission. It’s a win- win.
Plus, if you make a purchase through my link, you’re helping me out. That’s and opportunity for good karma and blessings for you! =)
I (Haydee Montemayor) am also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
Privacy Policy
Additionally, please know that when I ask for your email address or other information from you, I guard it as I do the cherished photos and videos.
I won’t spam you or sell your information. I know your immense value as a mother and as an individual and I respect you.
Plus, your trust in me is also something I value. I’m here to build it and preserve it. I’m here to invite you to be part of this worldwide community of brestfeeding moms. Out of all of the groups that can change the world… nurturing your baby seconds or minutes after birth and for many years after is the type of thing that makes the world a better place for real.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at info at breastfeedingschool dot com.